Discouraged, yet Hopeful

Hello All,

My husband and I have been TTC for 4 months now. I am aware that’s not long at all considering those that have been TTC & been unsuccessful for years. I was on BC for about 14 years. I did everything “in order”; graduated from college, went back to get more education, obtained a career and got married! I was always afraid of having children before marriage or while pursuing my career as I am a southern girl and that type of thing is frowned upon . Now I am 29 y/o with no children. During my annual OBY appointment last year, i was informed I could have PCOS. No irregular periods, but I am insulin resistance, hormones are all out of wack & I do have 1 cyst & a fibroid. I was prescribed Metformin & Prenatal vitamin. Now daily, i consume the medication prescribed & Geritol. I track my period & fertile days. We have sex before during & after my fertile days. 🤗 i stopped drinking alcohol in November and modifying eat habits! Still no baby. This month, my period was 1 day late & i just knew we were expecting & then the “flow” arrived. I’ve read all of your comments about Preseed and plan to try it this month. I just need recommendations from you all as I am becoming more frustrating with it all. It’s hard to witness people who can’t take care of or who don’t want kids to reproduce like snap of a finger🙄 Send baby dust & advice our way please!