Symptom spotting?

Im so confused what is going on with my body right now!

I had the inplant removed on the 9th of this month, I am aware I can fall pregnant straight away but myself and partner aren't TTC, more if it happens it happens.

I'm not sure if I'm looking for symptoms if pregnancy and it's all in my head or if I'm actually pregnant or this is from hormones from the removal.

I had a small amount of dark blood on the 14th, assumed I was going to start my period so put on a pad but nothing, on small bit of pinky discharge after I wiped on the 14th but nothing since.

I will also say with my daughter I fell pregnant very quickly after contraception but I have no symptoms what so ever, it was my partner who forced me to test.

Since the 14th I have not wanted to eat some days and others want to eat everything, I've had a few stomach cramps and headaches, itchy breasts (sometimes) and my jeans are slightly tight like i am bloated even when i havent eaten and I've also had milky white, almost stringy/sticky? discharge.

I honestly cannot work out if this is me imagining pregnancy symptoms as this is so different to my pregnancy with my daughter? Or all this all just normal after implant removal? So stuck and confused. If it could be pregnancy when would you advise to test as the "spotting" was on the 14th only.

Thank you for any advice or similar stories and outcomes! X