It’s My Body

Both of my parents have been treating me badly since I recently went on birth control. They both believe birth control is evil (MORMONS 🙄) because according to their religion, “sex should only happen within a marriage. I AM ALMOST 22!

Keep in mind, BOTH of these people who are judging my choices, had sex outside of marriage (i.e. they’re both hypocrites). I waited until I was 20 to become sexually active, and only because he had asked me to marry him. It wasn’t until he violently raped me, that I realized he was never worth it to begin with. I spent weeks recovering (physically, mentally not so much), worried that I had conceived. From that point on, I wanted to protect myself, and birth control seemed like the obvious first step; regardless of if I was ever in another relationship.

The worst person in all of this is probably my dad. He continuously blames me for my assault, telling me that I “lost control.” What he’s referring to is the fact that I was drunk, but I was also surrounded by people I knew, and thought I could trust. Not that I should have to defend myself with the facts.

That is how disgusting our society is. Men, like my dad, are led to believe that if a woman is placed at any kind of disadvantage, she DESERVES to be taken advantage of. It is HER fault. The man assumes no responsibility. If a woman lets her guard down, or tries to have fun, she’s not “in control.”

All of my life, growing up in a home of strict religion, I was told to cover myself. Be ashamed. Be submissive. Be quiet. Be ladylike. This kind of belief system is the beginning of a lifetime of shame, fear, and confusion for that little girl.

I’m so disgusted and ashamed of society. The current social construct is a sham. It’s not any man or woman’s fault either. The only enemy here is time, and the time for change is NOW.