My Fiancee gave me his stuffed animal...

I woke up and he wasn't in bed. A quick glance at the night stand, his phone wasn't there either, so I instantly got sad thinking he left for class already and I slept through it. This made me really sad, because my work schedule and his class schedule match up in exactly the wrong way all week and I knew we'd only see each other at bed time and when it was time to wake up and say goodbye to each other again for the day. Well, he walked back into the bedroom (to my relief, I at least got to say bye) and all of a sudden -- BOOM! I'M CRYING! No, I was actually sobbing. Completely a mess because I wont get to spend any time with him this week.

He felt horrible, couldn't console me, and had no idea what to do. He can't miss any of his classes, so he couldn't just stay with me and I knew that. So, he went over to this cabinet in our room (which was just his room before I moved in) and pulled out the cutest stuffed animal dog from when he was a kid! I didn't even know that guys kept things like that.

It has made me feel so much better since he left about an hour ago. I love him, he's so sweet.