Never really got s chance to be friend

So sir, what is your issue or problem? I feel like you have been avoiding me to long. I just want a platonic adult conversation. I am not trying to holla, that went away when I figured out that I got played. Two grown adults, you act like I never existed. I do exist Ian Nunez Ramirez (I remembered), at the end of the day, I am still human. Lol, you act like taken men can’t be friends with a single woman. I have been friends with taken guys before and there were lines I did not cross. I had one male friend who changed girlfriends like he changed his underwear...each time he broke up a girl..I never once jumped on that. Another male friend I have actually wanted to be with me at one point but I just wasn’t feeling like that..and I told him...we became friends..he ended up getting a girlfriend two years later, before I could even meet the girl, he broke up with her, they were together for 12 months. The moral of the story is that you never really gave me a actual chance to be a real friend. Stuff started off backwards, and I hate to bring this can’t start up a friendship after you have slept with that person. You can’t start a friendship after you banged someone, that is not a foundation Ian...and that’s what had me going off. It’s not a foundation for a friendship.

I honestly think you weren’t actually trying to be my friend Ian, I honestly think you kept in contact with me to be nice and did not want to hurt my feelings. I really wish you were honest from the beginning. And whoever you are involved with, I hope you were honest with her in the beginning of your relationship with her. No woman should be treated like that. Look I don’t want to argue or debate, I just want a honest answer, I would grateful if you gave a honest answer. We’re not kids Ian, were two adults who are not that far from 30.

I wrote this to him.