
My heart hurts more ways then one.

I’m tired of being told my time will come.

Watching everyone I know carry a miracle I ache for, again I’m told “you don’t know what God has in store.”

I’ve done everything, they haven’t? So why can’t I have what they have? Am I being punished for something I haven’t even done?

Some onto their 2nd and 3rd... I just want one. Is that too much to ask for?

The tears I’ve cried secretly burns my cheeks. I’m sick of spending weeks waiting... waiting for my already known answer (n e g a t i v e)

Don’t think about it they say and it will happen...

How is this the case when every night I lie down and I wonder where I’ve gone wrong?

I just want one... one to call my own.

One... just one to call me mom.