Hair Options

I haven’t touched my hair with a brush or a comb since about a week and a half before Christmas. I have African American hair, and as a result it’s a big clump of knots and tangles. I just tried brushing it after my shower, but I didn’t even make a dent. I use Argan oil as a sort of detangler. Is there anything else I can use? A sort of home remedy? Or should I just get the scissors out? I hope that’s not the case, because it took me two years to get my hair to where it is now after my last bout of depression left it in tangles and I had to cut it off. I’m really insecure with my femininity since my parents kept my hair short and people mistook me as a boy for most of my adolescent life. Even some now as an adult. I really want to make cutting my hair off a last resort. Please help ladies. 😩 I tried to get all the angles to show how bad and matted it is