Stood up by the guy I’m seeing


I don’t even know what to do anymore. Everything was fine between me and the guy I was seeing, we’d been ‘together’ about 2 months and both agreed to take it slow because I’ve never been in a relationship before and his last one (over a year ago) was intense. We were very happy, or so I thought. I’ve just gone on the pill so we were excited to see each other and have some fun, and then he ghosts me for 3 days. When he messaged me again he tells me that he has depression and he pushes people away. I accept this and let him know he can talk to me about it, and things go back to normal. So then he asks me if I can hang out on Saturday, I say yes. He texts me good morning on the Saturday, I double check I’m still seeing him and he says yes.

Well, the time he was supposed to pick me up comes and goes. I call him twice and he puts me through to answer phone. I texted him asking if he still wanted to meet, and he hasn’t replied to this day. It’s almost been a week. I feel so hurt and angry and I don’t know what to do. I want to reach out to him and find out why he stood me up, but all my friends are saying that if he wanted to talk to me, he would’ve done so. But the issues he raised about depression makes me worry about him.

Also as a side note, the day after I got stood up I changed my Netflix password so he couldn’t use it anymore. I did it when I was angry and now I sort of regret it because I feel like I ruined any chance of him even wanting to reach out to me... or am I just worrying too much?

I honestly feel like I’m going crazy, and we used to talk every day so ngl I just really miss him... but I don’t know whether I should save myself more heartbreak and delete his number now. What do you all think?