37 weeks and 3cm dilated!


Looks like it’s almost time for me to meet my sweet girls!! Found out yesterday we were 3cm dilated and 70% effaced! Contractions are noticeable but not regular yet!!! We also got the green light from my OB and Maternal Fetal Doctor to attempt a vaginal delivery since babies are coming on their own! Never been this nervous and excited at the same time!! Lol

Update: We have been admitted to the hospital tonight at 5cm! We aren’t leaving with out our girls.

Sidenote: twin contractions come fast and strong... not much time in between them and we are only at 5cm!

Update #2

My loves have arrived! 1/26/18 at 1:31 and 1:33am via csection

Ava Hope 19 inches, 5lb 5oz

Aubrey Belle 20 inches, 7lb 11oz!!!

Super happy with our csection decision!