Advice needed 😩

I'm overweight I weight 255 LBS and I'm 5'3. I eat a lot of processed foods and meat. For awhile now I've been feeling depressed and anxiety. Sometimes I feel emotionally numb. I get headaches often, jittery, and dizzy as well. I become very anxious and I instantly go to the kitchen to eat my feelings. I really want to get my life together and get out of this pit that I am stuck in. I want to be happy again, I want to feel good inside and out. I want my life back again, I just don't know where to even start. I attempt to, and I fell. I haven't had a period since November, and it's so depressing. I'm irregular, depressed, and just a wreck. I'm dying slowly, and not one of my family members even has a clue what I'm going through. I don't want to live like this anyone. I want to get better, starting with my diet. Will going vegan cure my "depression" and "anxiety"?