
Tonight I sex with my best friend. We've only been friends for almost 3 years and we really really close because he has a set of twins and I was giving him advice on how the twins would fight and tease each other as grow up. I told him about him about how my twin and I never got alone until now. After about 10 minutes of us talking he kisses me out of nowhere ...

And it is AMAZING. My heart skips a beat. I feel my panties get wet instantly. He backs up and says " I'm sorry but I've been wanting to do that for 2 and a half years now." So I pull him in for another one....

The next thing I know he had picked me up. Now I'm a BBW if I may say so myself

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to his bedroom. He took off my tights and panties in one pull and went down and ate me like I never had been before.

He stop and looked me in my eyes and asked do you want me to stop

So he pulls out his D and it is bigger than I have ever had.( It had been almost 4 years. Yes I am sick of masturbating). He asked me "how do you want me?"

I pushed him down on his back put the condom on him. I got on top in the reverse cowgirl position and started to ride............It got sooo good I squirted all over him. All he could say is "I like that shit. Do it again..........."