Fetal heartbeat on Doppler but negative pregnancy test

Alexis • Mommy to my mini me 💕

For some background information i had what i thought was a normal period in December. (End of dec) not even two weeks later i started off spotting then began to have what seemed to be another period. Went to the er was told they didn’t know why. It’s now the last day of what was supposed to be my period. The entire length of my 5 day “period cycle” i didn’t use tampons because i wasn’t actually bleeding. Like at all. What started off as a brownish discharge stayed and went to nothing. My pregnant friend (30 weeks) has an at home fetal Doppler and out of pure fun she put it on the left side of my upper pelvic region and found a heartbeat... of 120-134... made her move it to my heart and got 78. I’ve had a child i know what a baby’s heartbeat sounds like and it was a constant thump where as mine was not. Leading me to believe i could possibly have picked up a fetal heartbeat. That being said i also used a cheap pregnancy test and got what looked to be a possible VVVVFL. After doing research and talking to two close family members in the medical field both believe i could be pregnant. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. HOW can there be a baby’s heartbeat rate with no CLEARLY positive test??? I’m so confused anxious and scared. This possible pregnancy was not planned but i would still love to know as soon as possible if I’m pregnant again after so long of not being on any birth control and nothing happening. Mainly needing to see if this has ever happened to another woman but open to advice