Ovarian cysts


Hi everyone, hopefully this won’t be long. Basically I made a post months ago about a crippling lower stomach pain that would set in after sex that would have me laying on the ground in tears unable to walk. Finally, one night it got so bad i was in so much pain for a full 24 hours and could barely walk that entire time. I went to the hospital & was told i had a complex cyst on my right ovary, which was the cause for all of those after sex pain episodes. However; I havnt had any pain since then ironically. Last week after meeting with my obgyn she sent me to get the cyst checked again to monitor it. They said the cyst on my right side had ruptured (although I’ve had no pain whatsoever since the night I was diagnosed with a cyst in the hospital?) and I now have a large cyst on my left ovary. Last night, for the first time sex actually hurt from the second it began. We had to stop because of the horrible pain on my left side. This has never happened before even during the months I’ve had cysts and not known apparently. When I lightly push down on that area it hurts so badly. Does anyone have any insight on sex with ovarian cysts? Or any experiences with cysts in general will be helpful. I’m already on birth control, have regular periods and no other symptoms aside from sex. No one i know irl has any experience with this so I’m on my own 😭