It's Hard To Be Supportive

My best friend recently got back with her ex who was abusive and nearly beat her to death (why she left him in the first place). In doing so, she got in a fight with her other friend who was letting her live with her so she wasn't forced to live on the streets so now she really has no where to go if this bastard beats her up again, which concerns me very much. She also got fired from her job and is so unhealthfully fixated on getting back at her old boss and fellow employees for firing her. It also makes me very angry because when she initially got beat up and her ex got arrested and thrown in jail, I was the one who drove her around to court dates, attorney meetings, and just general errands and I also gave her $300 just out of kindness because she was worried about paying her bills with him in jail and after that, she just kept borrowing and borrowing money from me and never really offered to pay me back. I didn't ask or bring it up because I figured she was going through a lot. But to me, her going back to him is like a slap in the face. It's like her saying "I appreciate all you've done for me in the whole situation, but I'm going to go back to what got me into that situation in the first place". Honestly, it's super hard to be supportive because she willingly went back to a man who almost killed her. I'm just not sure what to do at this point. As a friend, I want to be supportive and be there for her, but at the same time, I can't. What can I do?