Is being a SAHM looked down on?

Angela • Baby Boy Born July 20th 2016💙 Baby Girl Born August 24th 2018 🎀 Baby Girl #2 Born January 2022 🎀 🌈 Baby Boy #2 born May 17th 2024 💙

I had my own run in yesterday in this situation, I went to an alumni game and fundraiser for my old high school and brought my toddler son along with me because my husband wasn’t home.

I ran into one of my old classmates mother, she’s a fairly successful business woman but brags about how much money she gets and definitely wants you to know that. Anyways she began asking the other girls I went to school with where they went to college and what degree they graduated with.

She then looked at me trying to contain my squirming toddler and asked what I did. I told her I’m currently a stay at home mom with my son. She didn’t even have the courtesy to respond, she just skipped over me and kept talking about her success to the other girls and cut me out of the conversation. She was completely rude and made my other friends uncomfortable as well so we ended up just walking away from her eventually. If she had bothered to continue talking to me she would have found out I run a successful small Ag business and do very well, but am currently taking time off for my son since there’s no work to be done in the winter besides taxes.

So my question is do other SAHM every feel looked down on for choosing to stay home and raise your babies?

Or on the flip side, do mothers who choose to pursue a career feel looked down upon ass well?

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