Daith woes...

Heather • 💙Otto Wayne 9/7/18 💙💚Owen David 5/22/20💚

Hi all! I got my daith pierced in Feb/March of 2017. My piercer said it could take 6-12 months to heal.... I’m really frustrated because it’s been almost a year and I have yet to get it to heal. It’ll get really close, feel good and not be crusty or anything and then POOF infected/swollen and leaky.. I keep it clean and dry it after each shower but I just can’t get it to heal all the way.. right now it’s very swollen and hard feeling and crusty... 🤢

I’m so frustrated I just want to take the dang thing out, But I’m torn because I love the benefits I’ve been getting! I’ve only had 4 migraines since getting to when I used to have one almost every week or two. The hassle is way more than I expected.

I’ve tried sea salt, peroxide, rubbing alcohol and even using ointments..

I’m 9wks pregnant and I don’t know if I should just take it out or give it one last shot... what do you think?