Story Time


January 27,2018

Early that morning around 7:15 am i get back to using the bathroom and as im just getting back into bed just as i lay back down a warm liquid starts to involuntary leaks from my body. I was 39 weeks and 3days at the time. Rushing to the hospital with the liquid starting to leak even more im brought into the ER where i then go to the maternity ward to do a test to see if my water had broke. No contractions happening at this time though the test conformed it. It was then about 8:30 to 9:00 am i had began to have contractions. While earlier when checked i was still only one centimeter dilated. Taking the pain for a few hours before getting any pain medication or getting checked again to see if i had dilated further. Around this time i was now about 3 centimeters. Only on a slight pain medication my contraction got even stronger my left arm feeling as if my veins were on fire due to the pinnicillian that they gave m every 4hours. Finally reaching 5 centimeters we waited for the anesthesiologist to come but only waiting to find out that the on duty anesthesiologist was in surgery. With the paining pressure becoming truly un bearable we called back the last in house anesthesiologist who had left home to come back to the hospital and administer the epidural it then being around 6:30 to 7:30 pm. I was in labor for a full 12 hours already and hadn’t eaten in over 18 hours. My body was truly tired. With the night RNs putting my body in positions that made the epidural go to one side of my lower body i was feeling even more pressure and pain though i had told them they didn’t listen when i told them the pain started to become unbearable and the epidural wasn’t working. Within a good two hours the RN’s and my mother had pushed my button to administer the epidural so much i ended up being maxed out. As the time passed i dilated more along and eventually fully though they told me my.son was still pretty high. Giving pushing a try we got him a bit lower. But not trying to put strain ok my body we put my body back in the painful uncomfortable position. Another hour has passed before trying again to push. My son getting just a bit closer. Though the doctor then had told us to stop and put my a another position to help push him lower. With the position the pressure became worse tears had fell as i wanted to push but couldn’t. Doing the last position the last few times couldn’t compare though they were painful. The last try at pushing the doctor had finally came in pushing three times with in each contraction. My baby had started to crown. Giving my all my last few pushes as my epidural started to fade almost completely. My sons head and body and revealed themselves into the world. As soon a possible the doctor and nurse had placed him in my chest while they rubbed him as his father cut his cord. His first cry out. The time now being 10:50 pm. 16 hours in labor along with all the postpartum accustoms that had to happen. It was all worth it. All the the days of being pregnant along with everything else. My son Niklaus Alexander Garcia-Brown is my whole world. I love him more than anything.