Dear First Love

i never thought you would be my last love. i know that i’m so young and i know that you just got out of something serious, i know that love was not what you were looking for here. i think we both got more invested than we meant to, but i think the difference between you and i was that you were scared and i was not. no part of me is afraid of how i feel. i am only afraid of the day it stops. know, that without a doubt i love you. i know that people say it takes time to love someone, but know that i am sure i love you. it’s impossible for me to share my favorite memories with you, i know that leaving was hard for you, but in the name of putting yourself first you had to. i wish i could give you the highlights of every day i spent with you, i wish that you knew which memories my favorite and i wish i could know if they were your favorites too. i still remember the night you asked me if i had feelings for you. we had just closed, and i was driving you home from work and you just blurted it out in the car. i remember taking the turn into your apartment complex too fast and you asked if i was okay. i love that memory of us. it reminds me of the way we fell for each other, haphazard and sudden. like taking a turn too fast or blurting out a question you already know the answer to. i loved the day we spent laying in your bed talking, we kept moving around in your bed and we talked and kept our clothes on the entire time. there was something so innocent and sweet about the way we just laid there with each other, taking each other in and learning everything we could. i remember the way you tickled me, and how we wrestled around on your bed so late at night, not even having sex, just having fun. don’t get me wrong. , the sex was fantastic. how through my first time you kept encouraging me, and gave me your bottom lip to bite down on when it hurt, and being considerate and checking in every so often to make sure i was okay. you were perfect that night, and as gross as people say it is, i didn’t mind the sweat. and the night you sat me in your lap while i played your video games, and you slid your hand in my pants and demanded i keep playing... the noises you made when i kissed your beck were my favorite sounds i have ever heard. i could’ve made music out of that. i love your face while you watched me, or the face you made when you would get up to get dressed and see me laying naked in your bed, with your eyes glazed over and this dreamy look on your face, i love that look. it’s the same way you looked when you saw me again and told me that i looked different now. my hair has gotten longer, but i am still in love with you, and you must still see it?