Possible Miscarriage

Amie • She/Her👩🏻‍🦰 One up above 👼🏼 One on earth🌈 One with four legs 🐾

Hello everyone! So its my very first pregnancy and im about 5 weeks and 3 days! but I have been cramping and bleeding on and off for about a week now. the bleeding first started off as a little burst of blood so I went to the ER and they told me that I am too early on to see anything in the ultrasound. so they told me to take prenatals and sent me on my way. well about 4 days later I ended up in the ER again because of some really bad gas pains I had on my left side, they told me my hormones are still going up which is good and my cervix was still closed which is also good, but im still bleeding and still too early on to see anything in an ultrasound. a few days ago the pain got really bad and I noticed i passed 2 small blood clots, the bleeding gets heavier, then lighter then heavier and lighter again. the blood is now like a period, color flow and everything. I'm just terrified that I might lose the baby, sorry for the long post I just need advice 😞😭