If parents feed vast amounts of junk food to their kids should this be considered a form of child abuse?


I believe that it should be considered a form of child abuse because I have seen sad stories of parents feeding their kids unhealthy foods constantly (and by constantly I mean ALL the time, not just every so often) and the kids become so unhealthy and obese. In one family there was a 16 year old who was told she had just 4 years left to live due to the food that she had consumed throughout her life. A four year old girl weighed 60 kg and couldn’t participate in sports and activities that her friends could. It was so sad to see the consequences of junk food being consumed on a daily basis. I felt sorry for the mother because she was upset that she was basically killing her kids but i really think she should have known better. It’s not hard to feed kids healthy meals with fruit and vegetables. What is your opinion of this???

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