How long did it take you to conceive and what changes did you have to make ??


Hey everybody!

I’m 18 going on 19 but I have been with my s/o for quite some time now. Our finances are in check and although we aren’t planning a baby, we are having unprotected sex so we are fully aware that this could happen..

However, we have been having unprotected sex on my days of ovulation (although not all of them) for around 4 months now and I have it in my head I can’t get pregnant as it just hasn’t happened.

Is there a cause for concern? If not, what did you ladies do to conceive and how long has it taken you? Are there women who are still trying? All of this information would be useful so that I can plan on changing my lifestyle if need be in the future when we have planned out a pregnancy!!

Thanks all :)