double standards.

80% disgusting 20% beautiful

does anyone else notice double standards for the way men and women act in relationships- both real life and TV?

for example, if a man cheats on a woman and she gets mad and slapped him in the face (I saw this on Friends when Rachel hits Ross with a newspaper when he cheats) that's seen as being okay, but if a woman cheats and the man hit her in the face it's wrong. When men get funny about their partner hanging around other men and get jealous it's seen as controlling and abusive yet women get mad when her man so much as breathes near a woman! and I see so many women telling their friends they'd leave their boyfriend if he got fat, or they try and make him go to the gym to try and get him to look better , but when men say that to their girlfriends everyone's saying leave him cause she's more than her weight/body. so why is it okay for a woman to tell her bf how to look, have his hair cut, dress etc yet men can't. and why is it okay for women to hit men? Has anyone else noticed this?