I feel so confused...

I'm 30 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend is in nursing school. I go to school online and work as well. Almost everyday lately he's been saying he has to go study and he'll leave at 1pm and won't come home till 10:30pm some days even later than that because he's studying. I'm usually very understanding about it all and we don't see each other often but we live together. This is an everyday thing we're he's leaving the house on school days and even on days he has off. I know nursing school is hard and covers a lot of material because I'm trying to be a nurse myself but is it normal to be studying every single day from 1pm till late as hell at night at libraries, and the school?? Idk if he's really studying or if he's going out instead with friends. He doesn't make any time for me because I think he thinks seeing me in the morning when we wake up and at night is enough but the minute his friends want to go out he's quick to go to bars and hookah lounges. I'm trying to understand that school is hard and hoping that it's the truth that he really is studying for those long hours. He told me today he was going to stop at the school (he doesn't have school today) to talk with his professor and it's been 2 hours apparently of talking to her and he just called me saying he's going to stay there till late at night again and study... some times it just seems odd. Any insights?