Crazy lucky this time & hoping someone can tell me I haven’t screwed up my chances for a girl 🤞🏻🎀

Sarah • Married with three children 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 👶🏼 🎀

So, 13 days ago I was feeling fertile (all the signs) so I logged onto this App and chuckled because I was on day 15, peak fertility it said. I was proud of myself for sensing the signs in my body. I said to my husband “Are we ready to try for baby #2 because if so we should have sex today” We did, once. What to know, pregnant... crazy!! Never thought this would happen because it took us much longer to get pregnant the first time with our son.

On another note, I’m selfishly really hoping for this baby #2 to be a girl. Can you please let me know if you only had sex right at your peak fertility and got pregnant with a girl? I’m skeptical because I know that it tends to lean more towards boy closer to ovulation.. 🤞🏻🎀 Baby #2 Coming in October 🤰🏼