late period???


am i the only one who literally would rather die on the start of her period each month? for each month that comes along and ttc doesnt work- and i get those cramps that get worse and worse leading up to that waterfall of blood that first day, i legit just think about rathering being dead than have to go through yet ANOTHER UNWANTED PERIOD. im disappointed as shit. im sick of trying just to be disappointed EVERY MONTH. i see my walls and want to punch the living shit out of them. the only good thing thats ncome out of all of this- taking prenatals made my period slightly less painful. the bad thing? my periods are now almost a whole week longer since ive started with them!! basically, trying to concieve is sucking and im so sick of my friends telling me it was so easy for them like "all you gotta do is try this" or "this worked our first month trying" well nothing ive tried works so now i just want to die. welcome to another episode of the first day of my period. 2 years of monthly extreme disappointment. here lies my happiness. rip and i just wanted to add- i was totally fine with having a period this month..until it was late. same with last month. this is the only reason why im extra mad. they were late just to show 😭😭😭