
I came back from my doctors appointment and I let her know about my insecurities of my weight and she looked at me like I was crazy. She proceeded to ask me why do I feel like I’m obese? And I spoke about how I was on BMI scales and test online, you know what she said? BMI SCALES ARE NOT ACCURATE ENOUGH TO DETERMINE OBESITY FOR ANYONE ESPECIALLY AFRO AMERICANS AND LATINOS! (Which I’m Afro American)

She told me that even though I’m 168 lbs I’m not considered fat, and because I have a healthy diet (vegetarian) that my weight is most muscle. I’m saying this bc a lot of people would hear my weight and actually be surprised that I’m that “heavy” and once they do the fat names come in 🙄. Bottom line don’t trust this busted ass BMI scales bc they’re most inaccurate. Go to your DOCTOR and asked them if you’re healthy or not!

Good luck guys!