My 7-mo is making me crazy!

same💩different🌅 • Just here to track my baby’s poops...oh and push the liberal agenda 😘

In the last three weeks, he has simultaneously tripled his nursing and also decided to cling to my body 24/7. I’m bags-under-my-eyes-pulling-my-hair-out-and-crying crazy.

I know I need to just ride this out, but I don’t know how. I don’t know how to use the toilet while holding a 21-lb writhing baby. Keep in mind that he is constantly clawing at my chest if he is not nursing, and also performing acrobatic feats, like suddenly folding his body in half in order to get his face at boob-level.

Thus far he has been EBF with lots of solid food introductions in the past month, but no real eating past a few nibbles. He will not, I repeat WILL NOT take a bottle with breastmilk or formula, he simply chews on the nipple. He sometimes will take a sippy cup with water and drink about 1/4-1/2 oz. He will stay with my husband if hubs keeps babe constantly entertained with a rotation of new and exciting activities. But, hubs has to work full-time and I am a SAHM. I did have some help, but (insert super long explanation of why nobody can help until March) so it’s just me, all day every day.

I thought maybe my milk production was down, but babe always has milk in his mouth when he pulls away and he is off-the-charts huge. He has started crawling recently so I assume that is the explanation for the change. But still, I am having an impossible time doing anything. Eating is a monumental task, because he only wants to be on me, and when he is on me he either wants what I have (just to hold and explore, not to eat) or he wants my boobs. In a playpen or carseat he just cries and cries until he is choking and sweating and shaking. He has been refusing solids except for a taste, even the ones he seems to like. His health is fine, been passing all of his check-ups with flying colors. I have tried putting him in a baby carrier, I even bought a better one when he got heavier, but he has to be on my back and it is really tough to get him on my back without help. I see other moms totally momming it and I am just like “How...?”

Babe is not even satisfied to sit next to me with a mountain of toys and puzzles. He must be on me. How do I get through this?