Doctor confused me so bad

Kay ✨

Over the past few days, I’ve been feeling body aches and chills. I’ve taken my temp with two oral thermometers (to make sure the reading is accurate) and with a forehead thermometer. The highest reading I got was 99.5 and that was just one reading. All other readings were around 98.5. I didn’t take Tylenol because I didn’t have a fever and I only want to take it if I absolutely have too.

I went to the doctor today, for my symptoms. Flu came back negative and my blood counts didn’t show any sign of infection. However, the doctor ended with, “I think you had the flu and that it’s gone now. If you had chills, you had a fever.”

Now I’m FREAKING OUT that I had a fever that I didn’t treat. When I had the chills, I didn’t get a reading that indicated a fever. Now I’m confused and scared that I let myself go with an untreated fever. I made an appointment with my OB because his nurses don’t seem to understand my concern over the phone. Anybody been in the same boat? Or let a fever go untreated and have everything be okay?
