Just found out I’m pregnant 😰

I’ve taken like 7 tests and they’re all positive and I’m freaking out. I’ve only told my fiancé and my best friend at this stage.

I’m 20, studying a full time double degree, working 40 hours a week and I wasn’t expecting to have a baby for at least 5 years. I don’t know what to do!!!

I have my engagement party next weekend and people are going to notice if I don’t drink, because I usually drink a lot. I also have my 21st in 4 months and this may sound shallow but I’ve been looking forward to it forever. All my birthdays so far have been a disaster and I recently moved out of home so I was hoping this year would be massive but now I won’t be able to go out since I’d be 4.5 months pregnant.

To top it all off, we just can’t afford a baby. We both work hard but to work any harder would mean we needed to stop studying, and we are both are about to start our second last year. We are pushing ourselves already so that we can pay for our wedding, but a baby would mean putting the wedding on hold, put our lives on hold... I’d have no chance of getting into corporate law (my dream career after uni) if I didn’t put in a s**t ton of hours but I can’t do that if I needed to take care of a baby.

We also live in Sydney, in a share house to make life affordable but we’d need to get our own place if we had a baby, and Sydney ain’t cheap...

Despite all these cons, I feel like I’d never forgive myself if I gave up this child. I have no idea what to do. My partner is suggesting an abortion and I know it’s probs best but I also don’t want to.

Any advice?? Anyone is a similar place and made it work?