How long for bfp?

Gracie • Wifey, nurse, future mommy ❤️ 7/2019 ❤️

According to glow I am due for my period on Monday 2/5. However I always start on sundays so I think it’s Sunday 2/4 (q 28day cycle on the dot). This month I never felt the side cramping and bloating I normally feel during ovulation. But glow told me when my fertile window was so I had sex several days in a row during that time. This was our first month ttc. I’ve taken a couple of cheapie tests yesterday and today (4-5 days before my expected period) and they were negative. I know it sounds crazy but after only one month of tracking my cycle and wondering/worrying, I don’t think I want to do it. I think I just want to have sex with the knowledge of wanting to be a mother as soon as possible, and just let it happen. Anyone else give in this easily? Like I have such bad anxiety already, I obsess over stuff. I can’t imagine taking ovulation kits and all of that because it seems the more I focus on stuff, the worse my anxiety is. Anyone else just kind of stop focusing and just have sex and wait for a baby when it happens?