Anyone else have these problems?

November I had my nexplanon removed and I was warned that I could ovulate at any time until my body is regular again. My periods have been regular since the day it was removed since I started the next day. and we are TTC it’s been 11 days since we had unprotected intercourse the past few days Iv been feeling queasy like I have a stomach bug, Iv been getting pressure headaches constantly and Iv been feeling so drained. Today I noticed slight soreness in my Breast but nothing to much and quite a bit of cramping especially right now it’s more annoying then it is painful. almost as if I should be expecting AF any day but I’m not do for that for another 2 weeks. My face has been getting flushed at least 3 times is day out of no where I’ll be sitting there watching tv and my face gets hot. I’m just wondering if anyone had anything similar before they got a bfp?