Follow up Ultrasound

Alex • AZ🌵 Married, momma of 2 ❤️

I went for an ultrasound the day after my BFP 01/24 according to my LMP (12/07/17) I was supposed to be 6w6d but Dr said U/S looked more like 5-6 weeks but that gestational sac & yolk sac are where they are supposed to be and everything looked good & suggested I go back in a week or two. I will be going in for another ultrasound this Friday 02/02 and hoping to see our little bean has grown & hopefully hear a heart beat! ❤️ has anyone else experienced something similar to this? Do you think it’s too early to go again? By Friday it’ll be 9 days since las U/S can the baby grow and develop a lot more in this time frame?