Doctors appt today, worried about movement

So yesterday i did not feel my baby moving normally as he has been the last 10 or so weeks. Last night he barely moved at all and around 4 am i woke up and drank a cold glass of Gatorade and laid back down on my side to try and get him to move (because normally he moves anyways) and there was movement but it was very light and only 3-4 times within a hour when it’s normally 10 times in a few minutes.

I have a doctors appt in about two hours so I’m trying to wait so i can ask my doctor about this. I’ve also had some pressure in my pelvis and experiencing diarrhea daily and Braxton Hicks a couple times the past few weeks. Should i call the doctor and alert them now or just go in to my appt? I’m a FTM so i don’t want to freak out over nothing if this is normal symptoms but I’m getting a little worried

I’m 30 weeks