Grab a snack and get ready for your daily fill of drama!!!

I know this is going to be long, so sorry in advance. You may want to grab a snack and get comfy...ready?

We have some lovely drama going on in the family. It all started last year when we had our daughter. Everything was fine, then we brought her home and 2 days later my husband was laid off. He got a new job shortly after, but our savings took a hit. Then in July he started having health issues, which are still going on to this day. Because of these he cannot drive, cant be on his feet for more than a minute or two, can't care after our now 1 year old, cant work, cant even take a regular shower because of the bandages and the location of his wound. This wound isnt healing, and now theyre looking into if theres an infection in the bone. If there is, they may amputate part of my husbands foot.

Did you get all of that? Thats just the tip of the iceburg...

While helping my husband with his health issues, ive been the main one that cares for our daughter, does the housework, does all the driving, makes sure he has a way to his appointments...oh, and i also work full time. While he's been out, our household income was cut in half, savings gone, 401K gone...we're barely scraping by at this point. Bills are late, we haven't been grocery shopping in months and have been at food's tough, but we manage.

My parents have been helping us with watching our daughter while I'm working and helping financially as well if we're in need. They're doing more than I would expect, and im very thankful for all they're doing to help.

My inlaws were watching my daughter some work days, but that came to an abrupt stop after my husband had an arguement with them. They then told us they cant watch her anymore. After some time, my MIL started watching her again. I would bring over her food and diapers, everything she would need in the day. We've been having a constant battle over car seats since shes been born. My MIL insists that seats you get off the curb, from a thrift store, or from a garage sale are just fine. She had her in a seat that expired in 2012 for a bit too. I brought over a brand new seat that I bought and installed it for her.

Some time later, we went to this fesival with them an hour away from the house. We rode with them to save on gas. I was getting my husbands wheelchair in the trunk while they got my daughter in the seat and got settled in the car. I got in and off we went. While there, my MIL was feeding my daughter full puffs. I told her she has to break them in half otherwise she may choke. She didnt listen and not even half an hour later i had to pull her from the stroller and do the Heimlich because she was choking on a full size puff. I took the puffs from my MIL and told her no more. When we left, they strapped her into her carseat and off we went. After we were home, I had to go to their car for something the next morning, then i noticed the seat wasnt even buckled into the car! They had undone it at some point and didnt even think to hook it up again, or even tell me so i can do it before we left!

After awhile, my inlaws started going to this new church which is known as a local cult. Like they have a dress code and shun you if you're caught breaking it. They also teach that unless you go to their church, that youre going to hell. Theres a bunch of stuff wrong with their teachings, but i digress.

My inlaws started going there, and became persistant that we leave our church to go there. They would give us pamphlets every time we were over. They stuck them in the diaper bag once. For halloween they even handed them out instead of candy. We told them time after time that we are happy at our current church and we will not be going with them.

Theyre very traditional people. My MIL thinks that families should go to church together, the man should bring home the bacon, anf the woman should be a stay at home mom. That being said, since I had my daughter, and even before then, shes been making comments about mw quitting my job to be a stay at home mom.

Let me lay this out for you...

1. Husband has no income because he cant work due to medical issues.

2. Insurance comes from my employer, and its pretty good too.

3. My insurance is paying for her son's recovery and care.

4. My paycheck is keeping a roof over our heads.

How would it make sense for me to quit and be a stay at home mom?!?! Her two daughters are SAHMs, but one can afford it and the other is too lazy to work and wants to live off of government assistance. She always makes comments. My favorite is "before you even think about having another child, you need to be sure you can stay home with them instead of going to your little job."

I work for one of the biggest companies in the country. They offer great benefits and not only that, but i love my job and I'm not quitting anytime soon.

You can see there's been some tension building as of late with them...

Well, shes been taking my husband to his doctors appointments for some time. One day I went over on my lunch break and my husband told me to make myself a couple of sandwiches before heading back to work. While i was making them, my FIL comes in and starts going off saying "this is our food you know!" I apalogized several times and he said nothing, just stormed off. I put everything back except 1 sandwich that i had finished making. I was beyond upset by this and told my husband. He told his mom who asked my FIL about it. He didnt say anything.

After that, we went over there and i had told my husband i will not be partaking of anything from them. I stuck true to my word. My MIL didnt make lunch or anything. I brought a lunch for my daughter with us and was feeding her in my lap. Her food was on a little plate in front of her and she was doing pretty good with it. Tried to flip it a couple of times, but shes 1, that happens. My FIL kept taking her plate away while she was eating, and i would move it back. After the 3rd time I asked him not to do that and he replied "shes going to flip it and get food all over the floor." To which i replied "they're chicken nuggets. If they fall on the floor I'll pick them up, but she needs to eat her lunch." He just sat and pouted the rest of the time we were there.

That was for my daughters birthday. We had to go there because they decided they didnt want to come celebrate with us at our house because my parents would be there. We invited them to her birthday party a couple of weeks later, and they declined and said "we'll plan something for another day...".

That was a month ago. We havent spoken with them since. Thursday i get home and my husband is upset that my MIL and his sister blocked him and me on fb with no explanation. We hadnt seen or spoken to them since my daughters birthday, not out of anger, but because we're busy. They had decided a month ago that they dont want to watch my daughter anymore and they wont be taking my husband to his doctor appointments anymore either. No reason why, just dont want to.

Well they blocked us with no explanation, and last night my MIL decided to leave a 😘 on a video i put up of my daughters first steps, but from her other fb account i forgot about. Just acting like nothing happened and everythings all sunshine and rainbows.

I blocked her and removed her comment, but now im debating on all this stuff.

1. Do i reach out to her and basically put her on blast for what she did?

2. Do i block everyone else from his family from my fb? I dont want "revolving door grandparents" in my daughter's life and thats all they've been to her so far.

3. Am I in the wrong on any of this? I truly want to know just for my own self evaluation.

4. Any other suggestions on how to handle this mess?

Thank you for reading my novela!