6 years of being played 😭😭 need advice

So I’m 20 he’s 22 we will be together for 6 years in March. Back in may we bought a house together a couple months before that while we were looking at houses he started to talk to an ex he got caught was going and seeing this bitch and everything but the issue got resolved and I forgave him, things have been going good I thought but now he’s talking to girls on Snapchat he has it to when he gets a message or something on there he doesn’t get a notification it just shows on his home screen with the red bubble on the app and claims he doesn’t know why he doesn’t get notified. And I’m too scared to go through his Snapchat because I don’t wanna see it all. I need help I need a friend, I can’t live without him literally when we first got together I was too worried about seeing him on the weekends I lost all my friends my family is no where around nor would they help me all I have is him and this life we’ve started to build his family is my family this house is ours these dogs we treat like our kids are ours. If I left him all I would have is a trash bag filled with clothes and no where to go, it wouldn’t phase him if I left my whole world would get snatched right from underneath me and he wouldn’t be losing anything, I love him sooo much and I shouldn’t specially since this isn’t the first time he’s cheated. I thought I was stronger than this but I can’t even confront him about anything. I’m not someone to not be heard or let someone walk all over me and play me but him idk what the hell he does to me but it’s tearing me down. I have no car no job no nothing, I’m scared idk what to do anymore he’s all I have but he’s the one that hurts me the most and he knows that and it’s like it doesn’t even phase him when I’m upset it just makes him pissed, someone give me advice and don’t say just leave because it’s really really not that easy if it was I wouldn’t even be sitting here doing all this, I’m so embarrassed about this so everyone is our life thinks we have the most amazing relationship and I’m so good to him and him me and it’s not like that at all. I feel like I’m not good enough and I never will be