Too soon for this kind of talk?


Ok, so I’m 33 and my boyfriend is 35. I have two boys from my previous marriage. We’ve been together for about 7 months. We are going on vacation tomorrow for about 5 days. I was thinking while we are on vacation and having a fun, worry free time, just casually bringing up some serious stuff, while still trying to keep it light. Like ask him how he’s feeling about our relationship. Where he sees/hopes our relationship is headed. If he sees marriage in our future. That type of stuff. I’m not talking about getting married tomorrow, but just to know if we are on the same page, and not wasting time on a relationship where a future isn’t seen. Do you think it’s too early to do that after 7 months? It’s just that we aren’t exactly that young anymore especially since we both want kids. We do tell each other we love each other everyday, have met family and friends, he’s met my kids, and everything has been great so far. I just really want to know where his head is at, but don’t want to scare him away and seem pushy. Thanks guys!!