why it hurts so bad...

Mine and my husband's relationship changed completely after we had a baby. I always tried to be cute, loving person to him, I always showed my love, everyday reminded him how much I loved him and every time it felt like he didn't care. And he gets really angry at me for small things or completely for no reason and he knows that he has anger issues, but it doesn't look he's ever gonna change. I do cry a lot, because I am very sensitive person. It feels sometimes he doesn't want to do anything about our child, he's too lazy to play or something... But he does love our son to bits! But not sure anymore if he still loves me... For the past few days decided not to be annoying him with my love and act the way he's acting, so we haven't kiss or cuddled in those few days. He did tell me a while ago that my love can get annoying sometimes, cause I still like to be the cute one in our marriage. We have been together for over 3 years now, been married since 02/08/16 everything happened so quickly and I think that we did a mistake... I love him to bits, but he doesn't make me happy anymore, I feel always depressed, I'm scared to say something to him, I tried a lot, but he gets too angry, after a while he says sorry (sometimes ) and nothing else. No one knows how I am actually doing, how I'm feeling.. What should I do?