Do your kids have the same month birthday or even same month and day birthdays as there cousins? Or just have there birthdays close to each other with there cousins?

So recently my sister in law found out she was pregnant her due date is the same Month as my daughters Month. Well I have been annoyed with her because she keeps saying “ my baby is going to steal your daughters birthday” the first time she told me I told her “that’s fine we can celebrate together” but this is the fourth time she tells me. Idk if she’s trying to be rude in some way or she wants me to feel some type of way or make my daughter less. I mean I heard you the first time i don’t understand why she keeps saying it. Like who cares when your baby is born as long as is healthy. If shes born the same day too o well we don’t decide when babies are born. But ahhh she’s getting to my nerves I honestly feel like she wants to get mad or have my daughter feel less. 😤

If you’ve gone through this how do you handle this situations? Do you celebrate their birthdays together or seperate?

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