FTM need advice with feeding

Hey everyone so my LO is now 10 days old

She was born at 6lb13oz at 39weeks

Small like her mommy.


At her 6day old appt she lost a little over a lb

She weighed 5lb 10oz. And ever since I have been stressing on her weight

Her pediatrician said it was an 8% lost and to wake her up every 2 hours during the day & 3 during the night to feed her then we will follow up at her two week appt to see if she needs to be supplemented. (We weren’t waking her up in the night at first to feed... we were letting her go 4-5 hours, and I regret it so much.. I felt so selfish)

I feel like my dr overlooked it a little I feel like that’s such a huge loss

Should I just start supplement now?

I started to bottle feed her some feedings with breast milk as well.

I’m just lost, and scared and need some advice 😭

I don’t want her to be starving!

Any advice is much needed please!!