My BFP story and symptoms


Just thought I'd share my symptoms and journey. Just got a BFP today at 13dpo. Ovulated on 20th Jan, know because I caught the tail end of my surge on an OPK and also had very sharp ovulation pain on my left side. Me and hubby BD that night and two nights before. Fast forward to 28th Jan and boobs are tingly but NOT super sore like they have been in previous pregnancy. Did a HPT and it's negative. (8dpo). For the next two days I'm an emotional crying wreck for no good reason other than I really want to be pregnant after my MC. I keep getting sharp cramps so im convinced im going to come on my period but they only last a few minutes each time. 1st Feb did HPT at 12dpo and BFN. Today at work im feeling really tired and boobs feel tingly and cold again. Get home, not drunk enough and urine is a bit too dark! But decide what the he'll and do a HPT and get a BFP! Well it's there anyway!