Does HPV cause intense itching???


So my dr told me I have genital warts (at my vaginal opening). Which I’m guessing is low risk hpv?

They’re small, no discomfort at all.

The only discomfort I have.... is the INTENSE ITCHING!!!!!! I itch everywhere down there, even around my anus. She has done numerous herpes test (because that’s what I thought it was) but came back negative every time!!!! I recently just noticed the warts and I had her look at them.

Anyway, does HPV (or warts) cause unbearable itching??? I am MISERABLE!!!!!! I’ve tried anti itch cream. Nothing works. I end up making myself sore because I can’t stand not scratching!!! It’s terrible.

I thought MAYBE it was yeast, the monistat feels very soothing. But obvi doesn’t change anything! I’m making a dr appt Monday for a pap and talk about this itching.