Mom Friend Apps


So I've recently pretty much realized, I have literally no friends. I had one best friend, but after I had my first daughter she just cut me off significantly and then would say it's because she thought I was too busy. I had told her tons of times that I just sit at home all day with my kids. I know for child-less people, kids can be bothersome to a hang out but every time we hung out they were either about to go to bed or were in bed so they never interferred with our time. But nonetheless our relationship has deteriorated and despite having a great partner and children, I really miss having a friend. I've heard of mom-friend making apps but I am super paranoid about sharing my family's info, the last thing I need is to be catfished or creeped on. Have any of you had experience with them? Which ones are the most trusted in your opinion. My children are also still very young, so meeting other mothers in schools won't happen for a long time and also we don't have a vehicle during the day so I can't just go to the park to strike up convos. That is why I curious about the apps, rather than other options.