i really been debating

Lizzy • I'm a first time mom to my handsome little boy who was born 8.26.17💙 he makes me incredibly happy. follow our journey and I'll follow yours!😘🙂

to ask this on here but i really just dont know what to do and really need some girl advice and knowlegde about what to do... might be a long post. so my and my bf got together a year and a half ago. im 18 and hes 20. we found out a i was pregnant when we were together for 5 months.. anyways as soon as we found out we started to argue way more. he would find any way to fight me over everything. i HAD to take him to work and pick him up and if i couldnt, he would go ballistic and be super mad at me becuase he had no other person to pick him or take him to work.. he has no license and i do. skip to the present, we fight everyday. he expects me to take him to work, pick him up from work, but i cant always do that now because im working. and sometimes my shifts are before the time he has to go to work so he has to find others to take him. he gets really mad at me and tell me that he should just quit his job if i cant take him.. he also has a problem with asking me to do something and when i dont wanna do it he will throw a fit and get all pissed off at me and try to talk me into doing it! like for example i wanted to go back home (parents house) and not his parents house because all the baby stuff is there and its easier for me to be at home.. i was driving and he literally would not stop staring at me until i said fine ill stay at his moms...but i stuck to my word and he ENDED up crying in the middle of walmart. it really pissed me off because he was just doing that to make me say ill stay with him. he will do some pitty bs until i change my mind and do what he wants and then he will act like nothing happened and be all happy. hes always depending on me, he gets upset when i dont feel the mood to have sex. i broke up with him and he would not stop trying to get me to get back together with him...and so i did get back together with him. even though he knows how i feel. i told him i was not feeling the same way as we did when we first got together. but he continued to make a dramatic scene till i told him id come back to him. anyways. im just struggling. i dont know what to do. i just want to be on my own and be single for a while (not even to date others just to focus on myself and my son and work and school) but i cant break up with him because he will have no where to stay (his mom doesnt want him living with him, he has no friends that will let him stay with them.) and he will quit his job if he cant find a ride to work and i need him helping me pay the bills... i just dont know what to do anynore and im lost. and really need some girls advice that has experienced something like this. its very hard because we have a baby together and he always uses that against me. any advice will help...