

My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year and a half.

We began dating when I was finishing up nursing school and he was so helpful during that rough time. During this time, my boyfriend had a part time job as a barback/busboy (someone’s only one day a week)

I now work full time as an RN. And he is still at the same job previously mentioned. I want to get serious and start to move but we can’t financially because he barely works. I’ve tried helping as much as I can and i feel like there is only so much I can do. I’ve even sent his resume to a person who took a resume building class and he still hasn’t even looked at the suggestions and that was week ago.

At times, I feel like he is starting to hold me back.

I always told him to try and find something more stable by the time I graduated college and that was nine months ago..

I’ve had several conversations about this and he always ends up making me feel bad for pressuring him when “he’s trying to find something better”. I know jobs can be what’s to find but over 9 months is a bit much. I’ve found my career and a part time job in that time.

Does it seem like he’s trying? Am I being too hard? Am I being held back?