If you lived in Cape Town, what would you do?

Manda 🦈 • Staying home is the new going out. And stop inviting people over... stay home with the people you actually live with. 😷

As soon as THIS April, Cape Town will face what they are calling day zero. That’s when the dams and reservoirs that provide water to the city will reach such low levels that water service to city residents will be shut off. People will have to stand in line at guarded taps to pick up allotments of water.

If you’ve never been there, Cape Town is a beautiful metropolitan city in South Africa. Many wealthy people live there, but there are also many poor and unemployed people living in townships.

Here’s my question- if you lived in Cape Town right now, and you had the means to leave, would you leave everything behind and move? (I know a lot of people aren’t going to have the resources to just leave.)

There are some screenshots from one of many articles below if you are curious about the details.

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