My 2 year old is waking up at night


So a couple months ago (I remember because it was right before Christmas) my son woke up in the middle of the night and he never does that unless something is wrong. We’ve been blessed with a good sleeper. We thought it was teething but we took him to the dr and turns out, he was teething, had a cold and an ear infection. So my poor little guy was in a lot of pain. So he would wake up pretty much every night and my husband and I would go into his room and give him some medicine and something to drink. Well, fast forward to now, it’s become a habit that i am desperately trying to break. I stopped giving him fluids in the middle of the night (he gets some right before bed) and I’m not taking him out of his crib for cuddles or rocking anymore. I will give him a hug and a kiss while he is standing in his crib and have him lay back down, tuck him in and turn on his nightlight and lullaby music. But if I don’t don’t go into his room at all, he screams for almost an hour! I don’t know if he’ll stop after that because we’ve just gone in there to make it stop! Last night he woke up twice within 3 hours! I’m pregnant (due in June) and the first trimester fatigue never went away and my husband works nights about half the time. I’m exhausted. Advice please? Thanks!