Step Daughters

Hannah • Married to a wonderful, hard-working man, with a rainbow “ours” baby boy 07/11/19 🥰 and two beautiful step daughters. 💜

My husband has a 3 and 5 year old from another woman. I take responsibility as step mom but I didn't grow up with children younger than me and I have issues interacting with them regularly. My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years now but I'm really starting to think I'm not ready. I can't even play with them normally. And anytime I do play with them they shove me away and tell their daddy they want to play with him. I've started to hide in the bathroom when we have them for the weekends because I feel like since they want daddy so much, they should get all his attention. I feel like I'm just getting in the middle of their relationship. I just wish I could do what he does with them. I want them to love me. And its not from lack of trying. They're my daughters. And probably the closest thing I'll have to children. Any advice?