False Positive 100% but the Dr insists on HCG bloods!

I have been vomiting for about 10-12 days which i get regularly so i asked for a prescription for anti sickness pills .. GP asks for a urine sample which i assume she is clearing an infection but no.. she does a pregnancy test!! Now there is no way of me being pregnant as my husband clearly thinks Sex is a horrific dirty experience and hasn’t come near me in over 2 years...

The pregnancy test shows 2 Lines!!!

I said to the GP that is impossible it must be a false positive and she said to me how long since your last period i told her 2 weeks .. i said i could have given birth 3 times over in the space since having sex and she has ordered bloods because she doesn’t believe me 😞! Meaning i havent had sex in nearly 3 years!! I even said id put money on it being negative her response was she would put money on it being positive!

So not only does it hurt that one all i want is a healthy sex life .. 2. Want a baby as iv been told that it could be difficult as im on toxic meds 3. She actually thinks its funny and im making it up!

I was quite upset by the whole thing and my husband’s support was if it’s positive pack your bags!!

I researched online that cysts in PCOS can cause false positive!