Being pregnant for 3 years!


If you would have told me, 5 years ago that I would be pregnant for 3 years in a row, I would have died laughing. But here I am, more used to all the pregnancy hormones and body pain than being in my non-prego body. I am happy, I was extremely shocked by the test at first but now at 16 weeks I feel like "normal" me is back. I am afraid though, not so much with the responsibilities and being outnumbered but with everything else. I'm scared about labor, always afraid if the baby is okay and alive with the passing weeks, I hate those fears. Also financially I am freaking out because we have to get a van now (yay! minivan mom here I come) but it is already a tight squeeze making our now car payment. I think I just need to go with the flow like I have been, let everything take its course and things will stabilize like they tend to. I'll take this time to feed my lovely food cravings, have hormone surges watching thriller/romantic movies. I cried watching that Kylie Jenner pregnancy video today and realized how much motherhood has changed me. I would have been such a B to that if I had never been through it myself. My fiance was like "Why did you cry? I dont understand?" and I was just like "I'M PREGNANT AND BABIES. BABIES!". But yeah...I'm done after this, children have brought such a light to my life but I don't to be blinded LOL