What should I do

I’m currently 18 and 8+2 weeks pregnant. I’ve been in a relationship with my SO for 3 and a half years. We both have a strong love for each other but a baby wasn’t really in the plan as of now. We told my SO family & they’re really pushing the idea of him going into the Air Force. They say it’s the best way he’ll be able to take care of me and baby. My SO’s plans were to become a fireman after graduation in May since he knows a recruiter but now he feels that won’t financially provide for us & feels somewhat obligated to join the Air Force. My problem is, he does not want to get married right now. (Please don’t jump to conclusions) We have talked about marriage in the future once we have our lives together & he doesn’t want to feel like we’re getting married just because of our baby. Due to us not being married, I feel like the Air Force won’t really be beneficial to me. I know they do a lot of providing for married couples but we won’t be married and I don’t want to raise our baby by myself for as long as he is away. I’m young too & it might sound selfish but I need my SO to be there for and with me, plus the Air Force isn’t even really what he wanted to do, just what his parents have pushed upon him. I don’t know what I should do or say or if I should do anything at all (Not sure which category to post this under so I chose two)